06 October 2011

Team Work...rainbeauxcraft and the Evil Eye
           Don't you just love this Evil Eye ring straight from Louisiana...now that's spooky!  It's the work of professional, and nationally recognized artist Dotti Berry of Baton Rouge.   She states that Evil Eye rings are   rumored to protect the wearer from evil.  I don't know about that, but this ring is sure to get some admiring glances (until the glancers realize it's staring back!).
Fall Foliage Pendant
Dotti also does fine art paintings and delightful, tiny, original watercolor pendants.  Check out her shops on Etsy,  rainbeauxcraft. and rainbeauxart....especially if you need some protection from evil (and don't we all!).

             This is the first in a series called Team Work, in which I am going to spotlight some of members of the various teams I belong to on Etsy.   Dotti is Captain of the Pie Team, of which I am a proud, pudgy, and somewhat lethargic member (but, heck, it's the Pie Team...what did you expect?).



  1. I looooooove Dotti's mini painting necklaces! And those evil eye rings are creepy. In a rather delightful way.

  2. Oh, I went to visit her shop and her work is amazing. The necklaces are beautiful. Definitely put her shop in my favs!

  3. I agree Jennifer...I wanted to say how pretty the rings were. But it's October and it's got to be spooky!

  4. She'll love you for that sanmarnastyle! She was such a good sport.

  5. I love her work! I can't decide which of the painted pendants I like best.

  6. Connie,
    Thank you so very much! What a big treat for me...your blog is fun to read and I can't express how appreciative I am!
    Thank you too, Jenny and sanmarnastyle and Fyre, that means a lot to me.


    P.S. I think my brains fell out this morning, perhaps from lack of sleep, lol. LOL! I couldn't figure out how to sign in and comment. Also, I am bumping into things and my fingertips are numb. Is that bad?

  7. Stopped by the shop and this is definitely a keeper!! I love all of her work. Such attention to details!!

    Note Cards and Photos by Theresa

  8. Thanks, Theresa, I certainly agree! (but can she bake a cherry pie? That's what the Pie Team wants to know)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Those little paintings made into pendants are so cute! What a cool way to display original artwork :)

  11. What a really cool idea and I love that ring!
